……不管她们沮丧忧郁压抑绝望甚至一心寻死的理由到底与备受争议的性取向有无关系 我只是确切地想要表示对这种无理取闹的生命价值观的鄙夷 滚你丫的 忧郁大晒啊! 一场矫揉自私的女青年故作文艺的延喘呻吟。
Ah, so Midsommar was inspired by this! Powerful, distinctive portrayal of an otherworldly village where paganism beliefs have seeped in everywhere and every person functions as part of an organic whole. The affability and peacefulness visible to the eyes are all the more horrifying when underlain by sinister intentions. As we learn everything through the sergeant's eyes, the identification has been built up throughout the entire film and therefore the final wicker man scene comes even harder and stronger, leaving us shiver in total hopelessness. (When the sergeant shouts desperately 'can't you see there is no sun god!', does he have a fleeting doubt about his Lord Jesus Christ too?)